
2022年8月5日—...Shell_TrayWndLoop:261192707Unexpectedhandle:0000000000010130Realclass:Shell_TrayWnd... ...,2018年10月19日—Ihaveawpfapplicationwhichisinmaximizedstatealwayswithoutshowingtaskbar.HereisthecodeforHidingandshowingtaskbar.[DllImport ...,2020年7月14日—F1::ifWinExist(ahk_classShell_TrayWnd)WinHide,ahk_classShell_TrayWndWinHide,ahk_clas...

FindWindow & FindWindowEx broken on Windows 11

2022年8月5日 — ... Shell_TrayWnd Loop: 261192707 Unexpected handle: 0000000000010130 Real class: Shell_TrayWnd ... ...

Hide and Show taskbar on windows 10

2018年10月19日 — I have a wpf application which is in maximized state always without showing taskbar. Here is the code for Hiding and showing taskbar. [DllImport ...

hide task bar | windows 10

2020年7月14日 — F1:: if WinExist(ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd) WinHide, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinHide, ahk_class Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd } Else WinShow ...

Hideshow taskbar in Windows 10

2022年5月16日 — ... Shell_TrayWnd WinSet, Transparent, OFF, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd WinSet, Transparent, 255, ahk_class ...

How to get the HWND of the taskbar MSTaskListWClass?

2022年8月16日 — My Spy++ on Windows 11 looks very different. – Wayne. Mar 12 at 7:10 ... so need first search for parent window - Shell_TrayWnd and than use ...

how to get the status from another process window? ...

2022年1月20日 — Hello, I'm developing a desk software. get some questions, VC++ code, Windows10 Pro X64 20H2, Part 1 questions: follow line can show ...

Shell_TrayWnd not visible to Windows service

2023年6月10日 — Windows service cannot see Shell_TrayWnd, Custom System Tray for a Custom Shell, Minimizing all open windows in C#, How to obtain task bar ...

Taskbar X Waiting for Shell_TrayWnd @Looper1 Error #666

2021年6月11日 — OS: Windows 10; Version: 20H2. Additional context. After trying to look into the console given by TaskbarX Configurator. The following error ...


hwnd5 = FindWindow(Shell_traywnd,) Call ShowWindow(hwnd5, SW_HIDE) '隱藏工作列. Call ShowWindow(hwnd5, SW_SHOW) '顯示工作列 這不是一個好的方式,如果您將 ...